September, 1864 – Unto Us, A Son Is Born. A sudden “sickness” takes over the women of the Pella Company, followed by the arrival of a child. Three babes are born enroute. Meet Jane Hamilton and Eliza Hays: two first-time mothers who give birth when violence and disease are striking.
October, 1864 – A Wagon Train Divided. “[Earp] told the whole train he would give up his Captaincy unless they would adhere to the rules he gave.” To get across the Mohave Desert, the Pella Company would need a leader with more diplomacy…
November, 1864 – How Their Feet Must Hurt! “At last, the two grey mares in the carriage gave out. Couldn’t go any farther.” After thousands of miles, quicksand, poison water, slippery slopes, and barren jourandas, the Rousseaus find themselves stranded in the mountains when their ever-loyal horses put out their last bit of strength.
December, 1864 – The Worst Birthday, Ever. The wagon train is stranded in the mountains… in the winter… with no food. Meet Elizabeth, the daughter who chose to stay behind with her mother (diarist Sarah Jane Rousseau).
Janelle Molony is excited to be deep in the throngs of Civil War and Westward Expansion research for her biographical…
@AdoptionToLife, Janelle Molony Nov. 2018 Logical consequences suck. They are hard to come up with and they don’t always accomplish…
@AdoptionTiLife, Janelle Molony March 10, 2020 Okay, so here’s the skinny – ABC 15 / Sonoran Living invited me on…
@AdoptionToLife, Janelle Molony, April 2020 Author and advocate, Janelle Molony, breaks down the top five services waiting/preparing parents need to…
Today, we’re talking about the heart of the parent and the heart of the child and how our mindset affects…
@AdoptionToLife, Janelle Molony, April, 2020 Foster Care Advocate and Teen Parenting Expert, Lesia Knudsen, joins Janelle Molony for a virtual…