@AdoptionToLife, Janelle Molony, April 2020
Author and advocate, Janelle Molony, breaks down the top five services waiting/preparing parents need to find information on before they are placed with a child (or as soon as possible).
Janelle Molony holds a Master’s of Science in Organizational Leadership. She is a former Occupational Health Consultant and Risk Management Specialist and has been a K-12 classroom educator. She has authored the bestselling and award-winning title, Un-Adoptable? Faith Beyond Foster Care.
Want to see more videos from Janelle? You can subscribe to the YouTube channel and read more from the blogs that go with each post. Here are some favorites:
Three Mindsets of a Forever Parent
“You are not broken.” Faith-based encouragement for those struggling with infertility.
Janelle Molony & Son Talk Sibling Connections on Adoptions Advocacy Podcast
Your time and comments are extremely valuable to me. Thanks for watching and commenting on the blog and for re-sharing on social media. Please also consider sharing this session with your local support groups. Finally, I am available to come and speak/present at your local event. Please use this form to contact me about the opportunity. – Janelle Molony

Connect with Janelle more at:
Instagram – @AdoptionToLife
Facebook – Facebook.com/AdoptionToLife
Twitter – @AdoptionToLife
Author Website – JanelleMolony.com