June, 1864 – He Gives Until It Hurts

June 1864 – He Gives Until It Hurts. “One of our mares took sick… it died. I think it likely if he had stayed where we were, the Dr. would have cured her.” – Sarah J. Rousseau. Retired physician, land surveyor and mailman, Dr. Rousseau helped sponsor the Pella Company’s Oregon Trail adventure led by the notorious
Nicholas Earp.

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July, 1864 – A Lusty Encounter Goes Unhindered by Dust

July, 1864 – A Lusty Encounter Goes Unhindered by Dust. At twenty-nine, Miss Matilda Fields is an unwed spinster, indebted to the Rousseau family for safe passage. “TJ,” is a foul-mouthed cowboy and opportunist who does two things well: shooting and avoiding commitments.

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August, 1864 – A New Friendship Leaves A Lasting Impression

August, 1864 – A New Friendship Leaves a Lasting Impression. Mr. Parker and Dr. Rousseau form a bond and in a dire moment, when everyone else turns their back on the Rousseaus, Mr. Parker does not. “For which,” Mrs. Rousseau wrote, “I shall always remember with gratitude.”

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