Thanks for checking in to see the reviews. The highly anticipated book has been released as of November 2021. Expert historians, mental health professionals, and professional reviewers have been sharing their collective applause for Poems from the Asylum. We hope readers around the world will see the value in the text and leave a review of their own with their favorite media.
“The strange tale only gets stranger once you know the truth.” – Lucio Matuonto, The Relatable Voice
“The escape that her words provided her is now able to give her readers an insight into different worlds.” – Lit Reviewer, New University, CA
“The whole book is an interesting exploration of this family, its dynamics, psychiatric care at the time, and so much more. … In many ways her poems fit nicely in the modernist movement of poetry, mirroring a stream of consciousness style but with rhyme.” – Serena @ SavvyVerseAndWit
“Authors lay out a good case … Martha’s story is an example of how women were treated in those years” – Mary Grossman, Pioneer Press
“A satisfactory read … for historians, poetry lovers, [and] mental health workers.”
Beth Zabel, St. Peter State Hospital Museum, Minnesota
“This story illustrates one way people have reacted to an age-old question: How to treat those who are ill or ‘abnormal?’ The response has been a source of controversy in the mental health profession for centuries, but what becomes of those who are now labeled ‘abnormal’ is wildly unpredictable.”
P. Leslie Herold, Ph.D. , Emeritus Professor of Psychology
“Poems from the Asylum is a true honor to Martha’s life and legacy. So many people tried to break her . . . but she was a master old soul with a fighting spirit! Writing poetry saved her sanity.”
Michelle A. Cox-Lomas, Ph.D.
Psychologist & Case Study Consultant, Michigan
“I could see the neighborhood and understand it was a family within itself . . . I felt like I was actually a part of it.”
MaryAnn L. Palumbo, St. Paul, Minnesota Historian/Genealogist
“Martha’s case is interesting. As someone who has experienced a similar condition, I very much identified with the idea of it causing someone to be driven crazy.”
Logan L. Hurst, Case Study Consultant
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In the meantime, please follow along with the project and the people behind it at @SevenYearsInsane on Facebook and feel free to check out one of Janelle Molony’s other book projects on her Current Publications page.