I’m heading “West!”
Janelle Molony here. This August, I’ll be touring much of Eastern Wyoming and speaking at local historical societies, museums, festivals, and libraries. Not every event is shown here, as some details are still pending, but I hope lots of hip and happenin’ Wyomingites will join me for at least one of the following.
Friday, Aug. 9 (Book Signing)
Wind City Books in Casper, 4:00-6:00pm.
Sunday, Aug. 11 (Surviving the Raids)
Historical presentation with the Johnson County Historical Society at the Johnson Co. Buffalo Branch Library, 3:00-4:00pm.
Tuesday, Aug. 13 (The Earp’s Wagon Train Experience in Wyoming)
Presentation for the Platte County Historical Society in Wheatland, 7:00pm. (Learn more about the WHS chapter events here.)
Wednesday, Aug. 14 (Book Signing)
National Trails Interpretive Center in Casper, 12:00-1:00pm.
Thursday, Aug. 15 (Surviving the Raids)
“Surviving the Raids” historical presentation during the Wyoming State Fair with the Wyoming Pioneer Association. Douglas Fairgrounds, 1:00pm. Book Signing/Meet & Greet to follow at the Pioneer Memorial Museum.
Plus one extra special event to close out the journey…
Thursday, Aug. 15 (By Fry Pan or Paper Trail: The Women who Survived the Platte River Raids)
Presentation with the Natrona County Historical Society in Casper, at the Natrona Public Library. 6:00pm-7:30pm. Features special guests Kylie Louise McKormick (KLMHistorian) and a descendant-relative of the Fanny-Larimer Train (read more about their experience here).

This trip is going to be awesome!
What’s Next?
- Read more about the new release, Emigrant Tales of the Platte River Raids, by Molony & McCormick from WyoHistory.org
( https://www.wyohistory.org/blog/trails-dangerous-year ) - Learn about one of the pioneer women whose experience will be featured, as told by descendant & author, Janelle Molony
( https://youtu.be/F1RlB-0BGhA?si=xZ8mhKbK0VtooFS2 ) - Follow Author Janelle Molony on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on any announcements related to the topic.
- Listen to Molony talk about the Platte River Raids on Cowboy Up Podcast with Russell True and Alan Day.