Today, we’re talking about the heart of the parent and the heart of the child and how our mindset affects them. We’ll start first with a bit of my story and how faith has played a factor. Then, we’ll dig into three mindsets I believe every foster and adoptive parent needs to have (and maybe even bios raising children with trauma or anxiety, too!) .
The meat of this post is in the video, so don’t skip out on the last bit!
Remember: There is so much hope and potential for the future! We cannot let the past hold us back. And we cannot let that child’s past hold the “US” factor back.
Janelle Molony, Author & Advocate
1. Make the first move.
We are our children’s guides through life. This means we take action first. We set the tone, first. We calm down first. And on… and on…
We can’t expect a child to heal from past trauma without laying a very significant foundation of security.
2. Have an owner mentality.
If we approach parenting with a temporary mindset, there is already a heart issue – a lack of investment. It’s tangible. It’s felt. And it’s spiritual.
When we say, “I would do anything for my child,” but draw a line when it comes to a foster youth, then we aren’t being 100% honest. Yep. I said it.
(One of these days I’ll finish writing on spiritual authority and how it applies to raising foster or adoptive youth.)
3. Dream very big.
Every child has the potential to amaze, change, and inspire the world.
Janelle Molony, Author & Advocate
But due to some circumstances, there ability is stunted. It’s up to us to expand their worldview and show them how valuable they are and what they can contribute to the world.
In order to do this, we need to redefine what it means to be part of a family… to be healthy… and to be loved. Unlock their potential and don’t limit them to their past like a ball and chain.
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Janelle Molony, M.S.L., is the author is the Amazon bestseller for books on adoption and parenting, Un-Adoptable? Faith Beyond Foster Care. She is the adoptive mother of one sassy, smarty-pants kiddo.
For more from Janelle, please follow her: and Instagram @AdoptionToLife.